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Prological’s Expertise in Rail Freight featured in MHD Magazine

Peter Jones

Managing Director, Founder

Europe is on its fourth generation of rail freight – in transitioning road to rail freight they are moving away from rail containers, and achieving their outcomes. Europe has seen four generations of process evolution.

Australia is behind this development, having only experienced the first two generations of road to rail infrastructure.

To find out more about Europe’s advanced innovations in this space, at the end of last year Peter Jones visited CFL’s Intermodal Terminal in Bettembourg, Luxembourg; Lohr’s manufacturing site in Strasbourg; and CargoBeamer new terminal in Calais.

Peter Jones with Anna Samsonova (International Commercial Manager at Lohr Industrie) and Nicolas Bertrand (COO) at Lohr’s Head Office in Strasbourg. Image: Prological.

When he came back to Australia, Peter Jones shared his key learnings with MHD Supply Chain News.

“To develop innovative new strategies to decrease our reliance on road freight, we might need to look to Europe to understand the opportunities. In order to maximise Australia’s exciting investments such as the Inland Rail Project, we could use some of Europe’s advanced thinking and engineering,” Peter Jones told MHD Supply Chain News.

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