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Warehouse Design

Making the right choices about warehousing affects every aspect of your operations – from inventory capacity and movement, energy efficiency and operating costs, through to the facility’s lifespan and impact on your employees’ wellbeing.

Warehouse Design

Making the right choices about warehousing affects every aspect of your operations – from inventory capacity and movement, energy efficiency and operating costs, through to the facility’s lifespan and impact on your employees’ wellbeing.

From layout optimisation through to design and build

Whether it’s a new warehouse, upgrade of an existing warehouse or reconfiguration, Prological’s warehousing team focuses on designing a scalable and flexible facility that responds to your changing needs over time.

Our Services Include:

  • Warehouse Infrastructure Audit:
    Existing infrastructure, processes, and systems are analysed to identify areas for improvement.
  • Scenario Modelling:
    We create data models that reflect different scenarios, including demand fluctuations, MHE and automation opportunities, and growth projections over the anticipated life of your new facility.
  • Facility Configuration:
    Optimisation of warehouse layouts, strategic stock locations, picking strategies, and workflows is carried out to maximise efficiency.
  • Design and Visualisation:
    We design new greenfield facilities or new layouts for existing warehouses and visualise operational scenarios before implementation. We also understand the impact the design of the building has on energy production and storage, well being of personnel and the efficiency of the overall operation.
  • Labour and Resource Modelling:
    Labour requirements and resource options are evaluated and modelled to ensure optimal operational performance.
  • MHE & Automation Specification and Sourcing:
    See our MHE and Automation Service here

Why you should choose Prological

  • Evidence-Based Methodology:
    Our approach is grounded in robust scenario modelling, ensuring decisions are supported by clear data.
  • Comprehensive Support:
    We guide you through every step, from infrastructure audits to ongoing management, ensuring seamless transitions.
  • Bespoke Solutions:
    Each aspect of your automation and materials handling needs is tailored to your specific operational requirements.
  • Industry Expertise:
    Benefit from our deep knowledge of automation, warehouse management systems, and stakeholder requirements, ensuring optimal outcomes for your business.
  • Proven Results:
    Our team has a track record of increasing our clients space utilisation and efficiency, resulting in lower operational and leasing costs.

Rethinking warehouse design

Prological is driving a new way of thinking about property.

Read our white paper to find out how you can achieve a more cost efficient and people-centric work environment.

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