Prological’s Expertise in Rail Freight featured in MHD Magazine

Europe is on its fourth generation of rail freight – in transitioning road to rail freight they are moving away from rail containers, and achieving their outcomes. Europe has seen four generations of process evolution. Australia is behind this development, having only experienced the first two generations of road to rail infrastructure. To find out […]
Survey reveals confidence in Australian economy

Prological has released findings from its annual survey, uncovering trends and future predictions from supply chain, property and manufacturing experts across Australia and New Zealand. The Prological Supply Chain Pulse Check Survey 2024 brings views from more than 200 professionals in supply chain, logistics, manufacturing, retail, property and operations and uncovers sentiments on supply chain uncertainty, sustainability, […]
Survey reveals supply chain will be front and center for the C-suite in 2024

Peter Jones, Managing Director at Prological told The CEO Magazine – ANZ: “With supply chain now a critical focus for the C-suite, visibility is more important than ever before. The data from this year’s Pulse Check Survey shows that driving new investments and improving end-to-end network visibility are key focus areas for business leaders this […]
Prological launches 2023/24 Supply Chain Pulse-Check survey

Prological has launched a new industry-wide report into the biggest challenges facing supply chains heading into 2024. The annual Supply Chain Pulse-Check Survey explores trends in supply chain and logistics, and its valuable insights will help shape future decision-making across the region. Following the success of last year’s survey, respondents will have the opportunity to have their […]
The cubic approach to warehouse design

Prological Managing Director Peter Jones discusses in MHD Supply Chain News how warehouse design has been hamstrung by focusing on square rather than cubic metres, at the cost of proper space utilisation and efficiency – and how to unlock benefits through the cubic approach. In the world of warehouse design, it is common practice to measure and plan using square […]
Supply chain network decentralisation white paper released

Prological’s latest white paper – Supply chain network decentralisation: A practical guide to making it work – discusses decentralisation as one of several emerging trends, with key learnings from Apple, Amazon and Volkswagen. The paper offers three clear opportunities for businesses to consider as they create more flexible, agile and resilient supply chains.
Supply chain and logistics, it’s time for a pulse check!

What impacts will geopolitics, measures of visibility and reshoring have on the supply chain and logistics sector in 2023 and beyond? Prological is conducting a survey to uncover some of the key themes and challenges in the supply chain sector today. The Supply Chain Pulse Check Survey 2022/23 takes less than five minutes to complete […]

We’re absolutely delighted to be acknowledged as a finalist in the Supply Chain & Logistics Association of Australia (SCLAA) ASCL Awards. Alongside Prological client Oceania Glass, we have been recognised in the Supply Chain Management category. We look forward to celebrating with the industry in Melbourne next month!
Peter Jones key note speaker at MEGATRANS 2022

Peter Jones, Managing Director at Prological will be speaking on the rise of e-commerce at 11.20am on Thursday 25th August. MEGATRANS is one of the first trade expos in the post-COVID recovery phase and aims to re-establish face-to-face relationships, connecting people to people and business to business, while showcasing solutions that will help the supply chain adapt to […]
What the Russia-Ukraine war means for supply chain

Peter Jones, Founder and Director of Prological, discusses in MHD Magazine how the Russia-Ukraine conflict is affecting global supply chain pressures with respect to energy, air freight, battery production – and more. To find out more about Prological’s approach to supply chain strategy during times of disruption, click here.
Same-day delivery on the way to reality

There is no way to avoid the new necessity that is driving our appetite for online shopping. Same-day delivery is now a must-have if retailers, particularly bricks and mortar retailers, want to keep pace with their online competitors. Supply Chain Channel interviewed Peter Jones, Managing Director and Founder of Prological Consulting and offered his perspective […]
An electric and hydrogen transportation future

In the latest edition of MHD magazine, Peter Jones, Managing Director and Founder of Prological, discusses the current landscape of transportation and how it affects the Australian market on our way to an electric and hydrogen transportation future. Peter reflects on the $90 billion that automotive companies are investing in electric vehicle focused R&D and […]